I am so thankful to have such awesome friends, family, and students! My little girls in class threw me a little shower at school. A couple of the girls made homemade blankets and pillows for the baby! These gifts mean so much, especially coming from some very excited little girls! We had a wonderful shower at church last Sunday, too. I was truly overwhlemed by how giving everyone has been to Rich and I at our wedding and baby showers. We are blessed.
I am just starting to get to that point in pregnancy where I am very anxious about her arrival. The unknown is a little scary....and everyone has a different birth experience. I am ready to know how things are going to go and just hold my little girl in my arms. (This is so crazy, I'm really going to be a mom) :) I'm still in shock a little! Feeling her very strong, active body moving constantly inside of me is one of the most amazing feelings I have ever experienced! There are times I wish she would scoot down and allow me to breathe just a little, but it is so reassuring feeling her wiggle around inside! I LOVE how excited Rich is about being a daddy, too! It makes me so happy to see him talk to her, talk about her, and dream with me about how life will be after she makes her big debut! I am so blessed to have a husband that is so ready to be a hands-on, helpful dad!
Here are just a few pics from showers and decorating the nursery! I'm not too crazy about posting pregnant pictures, but I'll throw in just a few! :)